ADDrienne - Hotel engineering at sea level


Helping with your projects before, during and after implementation...

MLS – Maritime Laundry & Galley Solutions

ADDrienne proudly collaborates with MLS Germany, to enhance laundry and galley equipment and operation on board. Always aiming to find solutions for cost effective reconditioning and to provide economic solutions for retrofit or replacement.

Maritime Public Health Services

ADDrienne proudly collaborates with Maritime Health Services to enhance health and safety standards across maritime communities, leveraging our expertise for a healthier oceanic environment.

Got a project in mind? Let's make it happen! Call us now and let's discuss how we can turn your ideas into reality


Jetzt Termin vereinbaren


Bachgasse 1
55424 Muenster-Sarmsheim

Opening hours

Mo. – Fr. 08:00-18:00
